Nine Months More

I Have A Secret

There has been a lot going in my life, my family and the lives of my friends this year. A spectrum of happy stories and not-so-happy ones.  The one resounding thing I have learnt from the year has been: we are all very good at judging each other. We all know better. Have the better…

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Conversations over Coffee

Conversations with Belief

“How is the book coming along?” she asked. “I’m slowly falling in love with it.” There is a difference between the things we know and the things we believe. The things we know can be black and white, matter of fact. The things we believe often live in a world of grey. Our instinct, our…

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Pieces of Me

Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for is certainly not a new idiom to enter the lexicon, nor is it a particularly insightful one. Yet it is something I tend to have at the back of my mind, something I think about when I play out the days, the weeks, the months ahead. I am certainly…

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Pieces of Me

Forgive your past

Forgiveness is something we often reserve only for others. A sacred burial ground we allow others to cross, or in some cases, do not allow them to cross. Almost as if forgiveness is a barren wasteland we create between ourselves and the hurt that has touched our lives. Sometimes it is far easier to never…

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Conversations over Coffee

Conversations with the Wedding Dress

She would swoon over the wedding dresses in the window, coffee cup in hand, as she walked down the small street in her lunch break. A daily ritual. To escape work, to breath in some fresh air. Designers dresses lined up in a row, fairy tales on display. Each one a promise that happily ever…

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Stories of You

Mirror, mirror

It started with a message from a friend. A photographer who had an idea for a photoshoot. Her inspiration was to capture different women, black and white images, showing a different perspective to the stereotype of the perfect body. Not a new idea by any means. But it was something she wanted to do and asked if…

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Pieces of Me

The Seven Year Text Message

I can’t do this anymore. Seven years ago I hit send on the text message. I did not know what day it was. I did not know the date. The house was dark and dim, but I did not know the time. A tiny baby lay asleep in his cradle. A tiny toddler asleep in…

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Nine Months More

Curiouser and Curiouser

Ten years ago I had no idea what it meant to be a parent. There I was in my effervescent maternal glow, ready to burst at the seams pregnant with AJ. All the glory and radiance of impending motherhood around me and no clue whatsoever what lay ahead. How could anyone possibly? Motherhood, birth and…

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The Kinnie Club

With Every Breath

I was really looking forward to AJ’s First Holy Communion. It was going to be a very special event in his life and an event that would bring the family all together. Right from the beginning I did not want this celebration to get the better of me. I can often get caught up in…

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Conversations over Coffee

Conversations with Disappointment

If there was one thing she knew about herself, with absolute certainty, it was that disappointment marked the end. Not the end of all things. Not the end of family holidays in the sun. Not the end of babies becoming toddlers becoming little boys. Not the end of great loves lived to their fullest. Disappointment…

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