Pieces of Me

In the arms of the angels

A cloud of disbelief hangs over me as I write this post. The cloud has been gathering all year. Slowly building and deepening in its hues of grey. I look back over this year in surreal disbelief. The moments that took place ten months ago feel like they happened ten years ago. Feel like they…

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Hot Off The Press

How not to be a victim of the ‘birthday burnout’

I was that mum, the one who poured over every meticulous detail of the birthday party extravagances I once hosted for my children. But not anymore. When I was in Sydney earlier this year, helping with the preparations for my godson’s christening and then eight weeks later the preparations for his first birthday. Cutting out…

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Conversations over Coffee

Conversations with Letting Go

Four weeks ago when I set the next topic for #convocoffee I had no idea what the four weeks would hold. How can anyone know what the future holds? I set the topic based on a gut instinct, a passing moment that ‘just felt right’ to set the topic of letting go. Now I sit…

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Nine Months More

Summer Dreaming – Tiger Tribe Giveaway

Summer dreaming is easy to do lately. As the year winds down all I look forward to are endless summer days not doing very much at all. We are spending this summer at home, not away. A summer where the pace slows right down. Where the schedule gets put away for next year. Where the…

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Pieces of Me

Random Act of Spending 50K in One Day

Imagine you had fifty thousand dollars to spend in one day. Pay off the mortgage, go on a holiday, upgrade the car, renovate the house, pay for the kid’s education are all the instinctive bells that would ring and fifty thousand dollars could be spent in an instant. But what if all those things were…

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Hot Off The Press

Baby showers the second time around: okay or not?

Love or loathe them, it seems throwing a baby shower for your second pregnancy is right on trend, with Kim Kardashian throwing the most awesome of baby showers for her second pregnancy. Images of the Troop Beverly Hills-themed baby shower flooded the internet with Kim and her friends all glammed up in their matching troop…

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The Kinnie Club

Miniature terrarium bonbonniere

The responsibilities of being a godparent are many. The responsibilities of being a Greek godparent, a Nouna, are even more so. The list of preparations is long for a Nouno and a Nouna. Preparations for the godchild, for the ceremony at Church and preparations for the celebration that follows. One of my responsibilities as a…

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Conversations over Coffee

Conversations with Writing My Story

Sitting in the audience and listening to Elizabeth Gilbert speak earlier this year was when the idea of each of us writing our own story first came to me. It is not a new idea, ground breaking or phenomenal. Just that I had never really thought about it in that way before. I knew I…

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Nine Months More

Parenting Perfect Children

It was only recently that I started to change the way I looked at my children. Change the glasses of expectation I view them through. I’m not sure what caused the shift. Maybe it was something I read, maybe it was something I saw in myself when I looked in the mirror every day. Either…

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Hot Off The Press

When all your child wants for Christmas is a puppy

There is a constant pleading at our house at the moment, coming from my six-year-old son begging us for a puppy for Christmas. And for once, the mummy who generally says yes to everything is putting on her Scrooge hat and saying no. Quite simply while I know my son will love and adore his…

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