Nine Months More

Be My Baby Forever


Hi, this is PJ, he is a professional little boy, so I can’t show you his face on this blog. He drives me crazy and makes my heart melt all in one swing. All he wants to do is grow up. All I want is for him to be my little boy forever.

Be MY Baby Forever

Being a kid is a hard gig. PJ worries over whether he should have one Nutella wrap or two for his snack, whether zombies are real, why goldfish need to go to heaven and whether the day will ever come when he finally catches up with his older brother.

Be My Baby Forever

Keeping up with his brother is a priority. Perhaps more so, it is his mission. He just wants to be older and do all sorts of older kids stuff. On some things he comes up trumps. He mines better than his brother in Minecraft and eats twice as much as his brother ever will. On other things, there are little legs that get tired quicker and a little heart that needs more hugs and cuddles from Mum.

Be My Baby Forever

I have a tender spot for this little boy. Maybe it is because he is my baby. Maybe it is because he is so little. Maybe he simply has me twisted around his tiny little finger so much. Either way when it comes to anything grown up I tend to let them lag when it comes to PJ.

Be My Baby Forever

One of those things was his car seat. Poor little man has been cramped up in his brothers hand me down car seat for ages. He was been asking us for a new one, a booster like his brother. But I simply have been brushing it off as just one more thing that screams my baby is growing up.

Be My Baby Forever

But this kid gets car sick, even on the shortest of trips and being squashed up in a confined car seat was not helping. So I took a deep breathe, swallowed my fears and switched him into a booster. PJ couldn’t be happier. A booster like his brother! It was like a ticket to grown up-ville. Not only is he happier, the car sickness seems to have subsided a little. A two hour drive this weekend and we only had to open the window a fraction and he was fine.

Be My Baby Forever

Turns out little boys grow up, whether we want them to or not. While we may always foster their happiness, their safety is something we should never compromise. I should have switched PJ’s car seat ages ago. The new Safe-n-Sound Tourer is super easy to install and use. It looks great, has a great fit and is easy to move around. Plus, PJ still has lots of room to grow in it.

Be My Baby Forever

I think no matter how much PJ does grow up he is always going to be my baby. Something about his cheeky smile, his lingering cuddles and his humble heart that reassures me these things won’t ever fade.

Is there someone in your life who will be your baby forever?


Britax Safe-n-Sound know that the new Tourer is super awesome,
so awesome they are giving one lucky reader of always Josefa
a chance to win a Tourer of their own.
Take a moment to find out all about The Tourer’s super fab features and design here.
Then please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.


Disclosure: Be My Baby Forever was written in collaboration with Britax Safe-n-Sound. Safety should never be compromised and these guys are Australia’s leading car seat manufacturer. I have been a Safe-n-Sound fan since the first ever car seat we bought for AJ and with the new Tourer, I’m still a fan. All opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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