May started with the expectation that calm and a sense of ease would flow into my days. I was craving the crazy pace of the year to slow down, moving instead in a rhythm that was unhurried and free from anxiety and deadline. This did not happen. If anything May has been the craziest month so far this year. In all my gratitude and all the humble blessings that have entered my life this month, I am sitting here now really quite tired and looking forward to a little escape.
So when my dear online friend sent me an email asking me to be part of her blog hop, not only was it perfect timing, as it sounded like the most fun way to end a month of writing. But it was also from Loree and she does not ask much from me at all, if anything really, I just couldn’t disappoint her and not play along. So here are my musings on writing and how my words flow.
I feel that a better question would be what am I not working on? Words, writing and meeting deadlines has consumed this month. I have felt completely energised from all the excitement and I have also managed to do a great job of letting my ego beat me up black and blue over whether any of my words have been good enough, a strange place to be really. So, once May ends, I would have written five posts for always Josefa, finished my three writing challenges for Kidspot, submitted freelance articles, published one super exciting project, snuck in one sponsored post and scribbled endless notes and ideas on bits of paper everywhere planning for June.
I honestly do not know what is coming next. For the time being that is enough. I am content to not know what is coming next.
Oh my goodness, I have no idea. I am not a fan of boxes. But I guess our society doesn’t really quite function without boxes and labels. So if I had to say what genre I was it would have to be personal and parenting. I think in many ways my writing is very similar to others in my genre, in that I write about my life, my children and how it all connects. I wholeheartedly believe in the art of storytelling. Not just telling a story. But weaving together words, emotions, imagery and a sense of hope to give my readers a little escape from their day and uplift their spirit a little.
Writing is not something I do. Writing is something I am. In its simplicity this overwhelmingly defines what writing is to me and how integral it is to my life. Through my words I feel connected to all that is greater than me. I feel more connected to my own life, my own relationships and I certainly feel more connected to others.
Writing is what the emptiness was.
I write from the heart. When I first started to write for my blog, I would sit here and agonise over the words. Trying to squeeze them out one by one and then trying desperately to string them together beautifully. I quickly learned that for me it doesn’t work that way. I need to sit quietly, find a sense of calm and allow my inner voice to speak the words I need to write. My job is to listen ever so patiently and write them down. I try to dig deep into my heart and soul to find the right words that work.
I am an avid planner. There was a time that I planned too much, almost driving myself and those around me insane. So now I try to only plan one month of writing at a time. I plan each post and when it will be published. For my freelance work, it is harder to plan. I let the ideas flow, the inspiration flow and then take it down the path it needs to go from there.
I try not to write and hit publish all too quickly. In an ideal world, I would usually write a post, put it away for a week or so and then come back to it with fresh eyes to draft and edit and tidy. When time runs away with me, I try at the very least to sit on a post overnight or ask someone else (hubby usually or a very good friend of mine) to have a quick read over it to make sure it makes some sense.
And to be completely honest, on some days there is no writing process at all. There is me, the open ocean and a notebook. Sometimes I like these days the best.
Part of this little blog hop is to nominate three more writers to pass on to. I wish I could have passed this on to everyone who writes, so if you feel so inclined take the prompts I have answered above and share the passion and the method by which you write. I would love to read it.
The writers I am introducing below are three women who write and share their life story in a way that has captivated me, especially recently. Each in their own unique way and with their own zeal, share their incredible stories in very different ways.
Kirsten is a Brisbane based mum of two who loves to bake, shop, plan birthday parties and have a laugh. When she’s not folding the laundry, eating chocolate or avoiding exercise, Kirsten can be found on her blog, Kirsten and co., where she shares her recipes, tells random stories and loves having a good old chat with the readers.
Lila is a mother to two teenagers and a toddler; who has traded the corporate life to enjoying living a little life with her little loves. Spending their days creating great food, making art and renovating their little home. She loves sharing glimpses of her life through her blog Little Wolff.
Sarah married her best friend. They very quickly went on to have five children in five years. Sarah had always dreamt of mothering and these many babies filled her heart. Living with so many toddlers showed Sarah the importance of looking after mothers, especially after two of her children were diagnoses with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, it was not until her last toddler that Sarah practiced looking after herself and now, this has became her top priority. Sarah now believes that she cannot be a good mother, or a happy person without understanding her own value. She believes that you need to know what makes you happy. You need to understand how to be content. And so, Sarah’s blog Creating Contentment came to be. Here Sarah writes about her journey to contentment. This covers everything from meditation to whole foods, de-cluttering to parenting. Sarah is willing and open to all experiences in the hope of healing herself mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. Sarah wishes to show others that they have the power to create their own version of contentment. Join Sarah on her journey of self discovery and acceptance.
And of course, please take a moment to meet Loree. I love her blog endlessly. She captivates my heart with her words and her images. She writes from a place that I once called home. Some of her posts pull at my heart strings with such deep set nostalgia that I wish I could simply click my fingers and escape into them, like Mary Poppins does into the chalk drawings on the pavement.
So tell me, why do you write?
Conversations over Coffee is back on Thursday ~ Conversations with Prayer ~ all welcome xx
Because there has been such an overwhelming response to this little blog-hop going around the blogosphere, I have added a linky below open to everyone who has written a “Why I Write” post: please add your post and make yourself a coffee, while you catch up on some awesome writers and their reasons for sharing their words and their hearts, on the page xx