Pieces of Me

Digital Parents Blog Carnival

Car-ni-val: a period of public revelry at a regular time each year; an exciting and riotous mixture.

Welcome to the Digital Parents Blog Carnival with the best selection of posts from April. Make yourself a coffee, get comfy and enjoy the musings of these fabulous writers.

Digital Parents Blog Carnival

Travel with Kids – Helpful Checklists from Lou at Smarty Pants Kids
Running a family as well as preparing for a big trip overseas takes effort. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good problem to have. However, poor mummy brain is in serious overdrive at the moment. So I’m going to stick to what I know works best…check lists!

Connect with Smarty Pants Kids over at Facebook and Twitter

The Tanty Files – Part Three from Sophie at iSophie
My toddler, the ever expressive little boy that he is, is a very big tantrum thrower. I have documented many of these through photos to share with others in the hope it might help other tantrum sufferers to not feel so alone.

Connect with iSophie over at Facebook and Twitter

Things I Know about Love your Sister Supporters from Rhianna at A Parenting Life
From the moment that I received the email saying I would have the opportunity to talk to Samuel Johnson when he came to town I just knew great things were in store for me.

Connect with A Parenting Life over at Facebook and Twitter

Digital Parents Blog Carnival

WIP Wednesday Link Up and Cath Kidson inspired blanket reveal from Becci at Becci’s Domestic Bliss
Final reveal of my Cath Kidson inspired Dahlia granny square lap rug.

Connect with Becci’s Domestic Bliss over at Facebook

Do you really want it…yeah! from Kate at My Dear Angel
A time when I was blissfully unaware of what was to come, in the not too distant future, when I would lose the happy me. It would only be me, and sadness; me and depression; me and loneliness; me and fear; me and heartache; me and struggle…

Connect with My Dear Angel over at Twitter

Blog Snobs from Kylie at A Study in Contradictions – Kylez
A little rant about the blog snobbery that has been rampant of late and why I think there are plenty of good blogs to read.

Connect with A Study in Contradictions over at Facebook and Twitter

Digital Parents Blog Carnival

How attached are you to your breasts? from Cassandra at The Black Stamp
A short opinion piece on Angelina Jolie’s preventative double mastectomy.

Connect with The Black Stamp over at Facebook and Twitter

Acceptance from Cassandra at 10% Inspired
Reflections on the past, and not being angry about it. “I’m sorry you didn’t get more of a childhood man, but that’s just the way that one went.”

Connect with 10% Inspired over at Facebook and Twitter

A Midwife Perspective from Lisa at Mummy Manifesto
Being a midwife is a blessing. It is a privilege to be involved in a couple’s journey when a new child arrives into their family.On the other hand, I can’t go to the hairdresser or any other hair raising business type place, without getting the verbal blow by blow account of little Johnny’s birth.

Connect with Mummy Manifest over at Facebook and Twitter

The Fish Tank to End All Fish Tanks…part one from Melissa at Two Little Humans and Me
Now, I am a patient woman. My two little humans have taught me patience, but there is only so much one can tolerate! Each night my dear Adam would sit with his laptop and research… and research… and research. Gathering ideas and prices. Looking at aquascaping completed by professional aquascapists.

Connect with Two Little Humans and Me over at Facebook and Twitter


Digital Parents Blog Carnival




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