Hot Off The Press

What started as an online game with friends, quickly turned into something else

I don’t do mornings. I walk around the house hugging my coffee in a dazed slumber. Once I have had my quiet time on Facebook, checked my email and the coffee has kicked in, then I can do mornings.

I have friends who not only do mornings, there are Instagram uploads of their morning runs with snapshots of distances and best times, followed by images of green smoothies blended to perfection.

Humans are funny creatures, what works for one, certainly may not work for another, and mornings are only one example. I always sleep on the right hand side of the bed. As for hubby, he gets the left side by default. I sleep with two pillows and he needs four. The list goes on, because not everything works the same for every person.


This article first appeared in Mamamia, to read the rest, click here

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