Nine Months More

Summer Dreaming – Tiger Tribe Giveaway

aj_sdc_200Summer dreaming is easy to do lately. As the year winds down all I look forward to are endless summer days not doing very much at all.

We are spending this summer at home, not away. A summer where the pace slows right down. Where the schedule gets put away for next year. Where the most important things are not things at all.

Lazy days at home catching up on books, late afternoons at the beach, long summer nights catching up with friends. Summer dreaming.



Summer days where the most important thing to do is take it slow. Create things, unwind together, be present and not distracted and enjoy each other’s company.

Days where what is important to one person, becomes important for all of us. Days where we listen and not ignore each other. Colouring in, reading books, imaginations running wild.

Days where imagination is on the go, restaurants, café’s, afternoons with friends – taking it with us and keeping it going. Summer dreaming.




Projects done together, passions shared. A giant colouring map a challenge for the whole family, not just for one. Jigsaw puzzles laid out on tables for weeks on end. Chess board dusted off and set up. Piles of old books set beside the couch.

Moments when games are important, old movies are important, walks to the shops for ice cream become an adventure and not a chore.

Knowing that this summer is not about missing out, but gaining so much more. Slowing down the pace. Summer dreaming.





Believing in our dreams and talking about them out aloud. Dreams taking flight as they catch the breeze. Dancing softly in the air before landing back down in our hearts and our reality.

Visions of becoming famous YouTube stars and even more famous authors talked about with purpose and passion. Title debated, channels named, opening nights planned, as if they already happened yesterday.

Laying down in the warm summer grass looking up into the sky knowing that everything is possible. Summer dreaming.



Time for nonsense and games. For chasing each other up the stairs and back again. Time for the soccer ball to always sit by the back door ready for the park.

Time spent with all the people that we love and moments where time hardly matters at all. Watermelon evenings at Nanna’s and kitten cuddles at Aunty’s place.

Time spent with new babies only just born and screaming cousins down the hall. Times where summer days’ weave tight threads in our hearts, threads that become cherished memories that define us. Summer dreaming.

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I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my summer, than with my boys and my family. Endless days of everything my heart puts on hold as the year slowly takes its toll. I couldn’t think of a better way to entertain my boys this summer than with Tiger Tribe and the tugs and pulls their products have on the imagination of my boys’. I couldn’t think of a better way to share my summer dreaming than offering all these gorgeous Tiger Tribe products to you.

One summer dreaming reader of always Josefa will take home: Street Art Colouring Set, Dinosaur Colouring Set, The Lovely Book of Lettering, Garden Stencil Kit, Giant Poster, Patternation, a Mini Melody and the Flash Animal Cards – a total value of $158.60. (Open to Australian residents only, one entry per person)


To enter answer below:
what are you summer dreaming about?


Disclosure: I was a little sad this year thinking that my boys had possibly outgrown Tiger Tribe and I would miss out on continuing my incredible relationship with such a great company. But I was pleasantly surprised to see how much my boys fell in love with this year’s keepsake of products. I guess one is never too old for imagination or products that brings us closer to each other with less distraction and more love. Thank you Tiger Tribe, my boys keep their keepsakes on their bedside tables and that speaks volumes on how much they love them xx


Linking up with #IBOT
Did you read my post on Miniature Terrarium Bonbonniere?


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