Disco Batman party!

Twenty four hours before everyone was due to arrive at our place, all ready to disco dance and Batman groove through PJ’s 5th birthday – I was sitting at the local doctor’s clinic. Head throbbing, ears piercing, chest heaving and ready to lay flat on the cold tiles and not move till it was all…
Read MoreDespicable Me Minion Party!

Seven years: part of me is in complete disbelief that that many years have passed since I cradled my little tiny AJ in my arms for the first time. I remember looking down at him, through eyes heavy with exhaustion and blurred with tears in the early hours of the morning, the hospital room was…
Read MoreEveryone Needs A Friend

It was late last year, a little before the Christmas rush had started. All week I had been watching her. She spent most of her day sitting in the same spot, by the window, face sullen and still. Every day it was the same. The change was noticeable, stark even. It was if a light…
Read MorePocket Money

Last year we fell into some pretty bad habits. One that grated against my nerve and my sanity the most was that every time we would go out we found ourselves drowning in the voices of two boys, in chorus, constantly asking for something. ‘Mum can I have this? Can I have that? A new…
Read MoreFinding Out About You

The excitement is building in our house as two birthdays draw near. Two little boys are beside themselves, caught up in the eager anticipation. Amidst all the preparations I sometimes catch myself and think how I have gone from placing one candle on each of their cakes to now placing seven candles on one cake…
Read MoreThe Baby Items I Can’t Live Without

Pregnant with AJ and revelling in the idea that I was about to become a mum, I would spend so much time shopping and preparing. Overwhelmed by all the cute little baby clothes and toys it was a rare day when I would go out and not buy something for bub. Yet among the baby…
Read MoreThe Importance of Play – Glottogon Winner

The winner has been selected for the The Importance of Play – Glottogon Giveaway Renee your entry was chosen to win the $200 worth of Glottogon puzzles and games Renee’s response was: It’s funny you should write about this because I was just thinking about this the other day. I think I need to step back…
Read MoreThe Importance of Play – Glottogon Giveaway

Thinking back to the summers I spent as a child, my memory is vivid with images of playing outside with my little sister. My parents had a huge backyard with a huge veranda and our summer days were idled away outside in the languishing Melbourne heat. With summer holidays only weeks away now, I think…
Read MoreInvisible

It was an indulgent Friday afternoon in the city with my boys. Lord of the Fries, Kripsy Kreme, new books from the city bookshop and now we were making our way to the lolly shop, before going to Daddy’s work. The boys were bursting with excitement to see Daddy’s work and I couldn’t be happier.…
Read MoreWithin Arm’s Reach

It was a day like any other day. We had just celebrated AJ’s third birthday and PJ had turned one. I was at home with both boys. PJ had settled down for his afternoon nap upstairs. Peace and quiet settled over the house, as AJ became my little afternoon shadow. We wandered into the study,…
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