Twenty four hours before everyone was due to arrive at our place, all ready to disco dance and Batman groove through PJ’s 5th birthday – I was sitting at the local doctor’s clinic. Head throbbing, ears piercing, chest heaving and ready to lay flat on the cold tiles and not move till it was all over. Hardly wanting to keep my eyes open, let alone entertain, cook and throw a much anticipated birthday party. That is the one thing you can almost guarantee in life: you can prepare for anything, except the unexpected.
With the option of cancelling the party and completely disappointing my little boy out of the question, I took my medication and called my mum and my sister to come over and help. With a little bit of luck and lots of work the party was all set to go, just as the first guests arrived midday on Sunday.
Last year PJ managed to create his own crazy birthday theme, this year was no different. He couldn’t possibly have just a disco party or just a Batman party – they had to be together ‘because that is just awesome Mum.’ Almost everything PJ settles his heart upon is quite awesome. The way that he sees the world and understands the intricacies is my daily reminder that perspective is everything. There is nothing ordinary about PJ’s perspective, nothing common or expected. Perhaps that is what I love about him the most. Or maybe it is his big heart and generosity in loving so much. Either way, this little boy has me tightly wrapped around his finger and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Once again, my sister came to the rescue of PJ’s birthday dreams and created a disco Batman fusion that surpassed even PJ’s wildest dreams. With very little energy to do anything else, I sat back and watched my little man disco dance and groove the day away. I watched my boys and their cousins and friends have such a wonderful time together. Not just celebrating PJ’s birthday, but creating childhood memories together, sharing moments and piecing together the stories they will talk about and reminisce over when they are older.
Last year on his 4th birthday I wished that PJ would stay my baby forever. Not this year. I am so terribly proud of the little boy he is and so overwhelmed by the incredible little man he is growing up to be. I look forward to watching him continue growing up, moment by moment, one extravagant thought after another, one crazy party after another. Having PJ in my life makes my heart dance and the blessing he brings to my life is so much more than I could ever ask for.
With each party that I host for my boys I am simply overcome by the amazing talents of everyone who comes together as such a great team on these days. The generosity of spirit and love that these amazing individuals show is a blessing that I am truly grateful for.
Table styling & invitations: adelphi mou | Disco Batman cake: Baked by Belinda | Mini Cupcakes: Frostalicious Cupcake Creations | Cake pops and cookies: Sweet Pops by Emily | Balloons: Taynelle Party Balloon Designs | Disco entertainment: Amazing Kids Parties | Batman Entertainment: Dreamscape Entertainment
Make sure that you check out adelphi mou’s post It’s A Batman Disco Birthday for more details and fabulous images from this Disco Batman party.
Just as I pulled it all together this weekend and made PJ’s birthday dreams come true, so too did my mum. She was the rock, the hands and the feet that worked so hard to get everything done for me and for her precious grandson PJ. So this post is dedicated to her with a special message from PJ: ‘Nanna, I love you to the sun and back.’