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The ‘no vax, no visit’ post: how parents are helping keep babies safe

Social media updates from new parents were once loving, smitten posts announcing the birth of baby, followed by a stream of oh-so-cute photos. Yet it seems the latest trend in parenting social media updates are quite the opposite.

“A simple injection can save the life of a newborn! I know this may seem harsh but No-Vax-No-Visit” and “Don’t feel bad asking people not to touch and kiss your newborn – prevention is the best medicine!” are some of the updates shared by new parents now.

Some of these updates are even making an appearance before baby is born.

Now the proud mum to two boys, Natalie used social media to inform friends and family that when her second son was born it was a “no vax, no visit” policy at her place – and if anyone was sick, they should postpone their visit.

This article first appeared in Essential Baby, to read the rest, click here.

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