
Are you new here?

The best place to start is at the beginning. Have you read my first ever post? The Beginning is the first time I took that leap of faith and published my words. When I read back on this post I fall in love with it all over again and cherish the emotions that it stirs.



As one of the top 5 finalists in the Kidspot Voices of 2014 Personal and Parenting category I had the opportunity to write three posts for #voicesof2014. I adore these posts. What they mean to me and the stories that they tell. The posts were set to the prompts Secret, Story and Challenge.



My post Maltese Qassatat landed me as one of the top 25 finalists in the Blogher 2014 Voices of the Year in the Heart category. I love the images in this post and the story of family, food and tradition.



I love all my posts in different ways and for different reasons. But here are my favourite posts from each category.

Pieces of Me: Don’t Wish Me a Happy Birthday. The Girl at the Crossroads. Comparison is the Thief of Joy and Free Falling.



Nine Months More: The First Night, There is a Wolf in My House, I Believe in Angels and Within Arms Reach.



The Kinnie Club: The Old Photos, Distance Makes the Heart Ache, The Pomegrante Tree and What Defines a Family.frame01_kinnieclub


Conversations over Coffee and Stories of You are two categories that continually remind me how important our connection and our stories in life truly are. Conversations with History and the heart wrenching story of Natalie are two amazing posts to start with.



Last, but not least, sometimes I write about blogging and writing and the conversation that comes from these posts is always much more inspiring that I could ever anticipate. I especially love Immortality, A Welcome Relief – Why I Write and Are you a Blogger or a Writer?


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