Nine Months More

There is a Wolf in my House

post natal depression, black dog, wolf

It was the dead of night. I was five months pregnant. I woke up. Frantic. Heart racing. Blood pumping. I was sweating. I grabbed my husband and screamed “there’s a wolf in the house!” He bolted upright in bed. Confused, scratching his head, “What?” “A wolf. I can hear it running through the house downstairs,…

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Pieces of Me

Daddy was Right – Giveaway

It was a rare, sunny day in late October. Barbeque. Friends. Champagne. Lamb. A backyard littered with toys. The kids were like rabbits, hopping from one toy to the next. AJ had managed to climb onto a wooden balance bike that was leaning against the back garden shed. He wobbled around trying to make sense…

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Pieces of Me

Last minute surprise

We do planning in our house. We do long, extensive schedules that forecast our lives for six months, twelve even. The planning reassures me that we are ‘in control.’ Holidays are no exception. We love getting away and love planning for our getaways. Holidays are essential in our family. However, impromptu holidays are not. Melbourne,…

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Pieces of Me

The White Rabbit

pink roses, Leunig, first year

This is the third time I have sat down to write this post. The third time. I think I need to stop and listen. I think the Universe is trying to tell me something. After I wrote about our Happily, Ever After I knew that this post would be next. The post about me falling…

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Nine Months More

Lessons from my two Zombies

halloween bat, lessons from my two zombies

Traditions run strong in my family. I embrace the old traditions of my culture and am working hard to make those traditions something my boys love and treasure. I believe that tradition can help shape who we are and how we all fit together. Yet, at the same time I treat tradition like a pizza…

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Pieces of Me

Happily Ever After

Bride, veil, wedding day

I had the dream wedding. The fairy tale. The extravagance. For two years I consumed my time, my mind and my every essence with preparing for the “big day”. I had a team of supporters. I needed a team. My family. My in-laws. My cousins. The excitement was contagious. The momentum unavoidable. I was young…

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Pieces of Me

Three o’clock in the morning

hyacinth, purple, no sleep

I dread the moments when I wake up at three o’clock in the morning. Three o’clock in the morning was once spent stumbling home from a night out. A time of nightclubs, high heels, smudged makeup and a whole day ahead of me to sleep. Three o’clock in the morning was more recently spent with…

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Nine Months More

The First Night

parenting books first night UV lights

I look back on that first night and the memory is a haze. I couldn’t think. I could barely move. Your Dad was on a roll-out bed on the floor next to me. You were in one of those hospital plastic cots beside him. I was dead tired. Drained. Exhausted. In pain. You were crying.…

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Pieces of Me

Diary of a Virgin Blogger – Problogger!

I survived my first blogging conference! More than survived, I came out of two intense days with a wealth of knowledge and a momentum to work on some amazing ideas. Yes, walking into a room full of people I didn’t know that Friday morning was scary. My nerves kicked in and the introvert inside me…

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The Kinnie Club

Distance Makes the Heart Ache

It is hard to escape who I am. The weight of it is sometimes a little hard to bear. I look in the mirror and see many faces, not just mine. I am a link. A link in a chain. A chain that is etched in gold, intricate, strong and intertwining. The chain spans generations,…

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