Pieces of Me

Diary of a Virgin Blogger – Catch the Wind

The past week has been nothing short of a whirlwind. My blog has gone live. I am publishing posts. Readers are actually leaving comments. The whole experience of the past week has left me feeling quite surreal. To begin with, I wasn’t even sure if anyone would read my blog. So to have people read, connect and identify with my words is overwhelming. Despite how incredible my reality is at the moment, the conflict between my head and my gut still exists;

Head: Be cautious.
Gut: Too busy to comment, I’m dancing around the room with joy.

The blogging community, in my short existence online, has been overwhelmingly supportive, positive and full of encouragement. Such encouragement has fuelled my personal confidence. So the dread of the haircut has passed and the excitement of the Problogger conference has finally settled in! Tomorrow begins a whirlwind of keynote speakers, panel discussions, presentations, socialising and something I have never been good at: networking!

Over the past week, I have sat down and looked over the schedule for the next two days. I have decided which sessions I am going to; even though at times I wish I could attend both sessions simultaneously! All the while, trying to stop my imagination from running into overdrive; just thinking about being in the same room as some of the blogging rockstars!

My ego has convinced me that all my confidence needed was two new outfits to wear for the conference. So I have indulged in some online shopping, all in the name of being prepared for the next two days. A new top and a new dress have been purchased, washed and ironed. The delicate lace and patterned cotton are waiting to be worn. I can’t wait!

Now while many seasoned attendees will be there with laptops, tablets and other fashionable technology. I have decided to go ‘old school’. Realistically, there is no more room left in my bag. Romantically, it makes perfect sense that I will be writing it all down. The idea that I will be writing down the words that matter most to me, resonates.

So as the minutes tick by I am edging closer. Closer to the exhilaration of throwing away caution and letting my leap of faith catch the wind.

Wish me luck!

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